The Renewed Husband and Pre-Marriage Readiness program is a 5-part audio course for men who are both currently married or anticipating marriage. In this course, Torri helps men reset their place in their current relationship or prepare for their upcoming marriage by starting from square one. Pre Marriage counselling is a must for every man who’s planning to get married soon.

With his years of experience as a husband, coach and minister, Torri is able to help men uncover blind spots and potential threats in their current or upcoming marriages, allowing them to step into their role of husband feeling confident and prepared to thrive. To learn more and enroll in the Pre Marriage counselling audio course, click the link below. One-on-one coaching is also available.

Preparing you to be a great Husband and a for a great marriage – Premarital counselling program

How do you know if your ready for marriage?  Premarital counseling is a great place to help answer those questions and/or prepare yourselves for the wonderful journey of marriage and this is what I help you with. Pre Marriage counselling with me will help you cleanse your thoughts and clear your mind of negativity.

Premarital coaching and counseling is designed for men who are engaged to be married, or who are dating and considering getting married.  This process will help you better understand your families of origin and how your upbringings may affect the patterns, habits, values and understandings you both bring to marriage.

It will also explore and discuss common responsibilities that come with marriage, such as finances, in-laws, communication, gender roles, expectations and faith.  In this process you will reflect on and affirm your understanding of marriage, as well as your dreams, needs and expectations of one another in a safe and positive format.

Pre marriage counselling is not a test or a requirement for marriage, but rather an opportunity and an invaluable tool to better understand yourselves, each other, and your relationship and future together.

Over half of first marriages end in divorce. I want yours to be successful!

The rates are even higher for second and third marriages.

No one enters into marriage planning to get divorced, but unfortunately, that is the reality we are faced with. Many times couples enter into the marriage relationship never having seen a healthy, functional marriage to pattern theirs after. Oftentimes, couples lack the essential skills in communication and conflict resolution or don’t fully understand the concepts of companionship and covenant that are required to see a marriage through for a lifetime. Pre Marriage counselling helps men overcome mental blocks and learn the concepts of companionship.

Men spend a significant amount of time and money planning the perfect wedding ceremony and reception, without really thinking much about preparing for their marriage!

As a trained pre-marital coach providing pre-marital counseling from a non-denominational perspective, my primary goal is to equip you with the practical tools to set your marriage up for success. I want your marriage to be strong in both the good times and the tough ones. By investing in your marriage before the wedding through pre-marital counseling, you will be more prepared to have the strong, amazing marriage you desire!

Are you ready to thrive and not just survive in your marriage? Easy Life Coaching wants to partner with you to help increase and sustain the joy of your relationship. My coaching involves developing goals with men to heal and/or strengthen their marriage. You will receive teaching and accountability in various areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Communication
  • Spending quality time together
  • Pursuing dreams together
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Emotional Intimacy & Safety

Don’t just get Pre Marriage Counseling, Get Premarital COACHING!

Counseling is healing from past issues so it makes no sense to get premarital counseling. Why dwell on things you cannot change? Premarital coaching helps you think about, and work toward, the amazing tomorrow of your marriage. Start with a solid foundation prior to your marriage

Here is a great article on how to prepare yourself for premarital coaching

Do you need Premarital Coaching?

No, of course you don’t. You also don’t need practice to ride a motorcycle or fly a plane, but it is highly recommended. Think about it, if done right, your marriage will last longer than almost anything else you do in life.

Here’s a great article about why you should go for premarital coaching sessions

What happens during Pre Marriage counselling?

My premarital coaching consists of various exclusive sessions; either one a week or one every other week, depending on how busy you are. Each session works on a specific area of your future.

My Pre Marriage coaching sessions help you with:

  • Knowing each other in a more intimate (even that way!) way.
  • Understanding how each of you looks at finances.
  • Seeing what you want for your lives in a specific way.
  • Having a better understanding of gender and sexual response issues.
  • Decision making, problem resolution, and conflict management.

Pre Marriage Counselling and Renewed Husband – Pricing

This course helps men reset their current relationship or prepare for their upcoming marriage by starting from square one. You will uncover blind spots, potential threats and opportunities in your current or upcoming marriage, allowing you to step into your role as husband, feeling confident and prepared to thrive.

Pre-Renewed Readiness: $1,600

  • 2 months
  • Four monthly one-on-one 60-minute sessions
  • Weekly audio session • Training tools • E-mail support between sessions
  • 15-minute weekly check-in (weekly request)
  • One 60-minute coaching session before marriage or up to one year after marriage

Pre-Renewed Readiness: $1,500

  • 3 months
  • 2 bi-weekly one-on-one 60-90 minute sessions
  • Five audio sessions
  • Training tools
  • E-mail support between sessions
  • 15-minute weekly check-in

Benefits of Life Coaching

Why you should find a life coach?